EpDetect Application

Epdetect will monitor the movement of the person while the phone is in their pocket or worn on a belt. The software will differentiate the movements associated with epilepsy from normal movement.

When a seizure is detected it will warn the person that it is about to send an SMS message to a carer, in the case of a false alarm the person will be able to cancel the SMS alert. The SMS message contains time, GPS coordinates (if the phone has GPS) and a short message, allowing the carer to raise the alarm and take remedial action or call an ambulance. When the person recovers they press a button to cancel the alarm, which will initiate an end of emergency SMS message.

The Epdetect user interface screens:

Detector Active Screen: EpDetect Application
  • Status Message – A “Seizure Detected – press the clear button for 5 seconds to cancel” message will be displayed.
  • Audible Alarm – An audible alarm will sound immediately upon detection of a seizure.
  • Count Down Timer – A countdown from 30 seconds will be displayed to enable the user to press the cancel button prior to sending the outgoing SMS alert. The countdown timer is adjustable from 1- 60 seconds.
  • Clear Button – A large ‘clear’ button graphic is displayed to allow the user to clear the detector active status, which also cancels any outgoing SMS alert. The ‘clear’ button must be pressed for 5 seconds within 30 seconds to prevent the outgoing SMS message.
Alarm Active Screen: Epilepsy mobile phone app
  • Status Message – A “Seizure In Progress – press the cancel button for 5 seconds to signal the end of a seizure” message is displayed.
  • Audible Alarm – A second audible alarm will continue to play until the alarm active status is cleared.
  • Cancel Button – A large ‘cancel’ button graphic is displayed to allow the user to clear the alarm status, which also causes an end of seizure SMS message to be sent. The ‘cancel’ button must be pressed for 5 seconds to cancel the alarm active status.
  • Additional Message – A message saying “This person may be having an epileptic fit” will be displayed on screen.
Advanced Options Screen:seizure detection phone application
  • Back-Up Accelerometer Data – Tick box, which if ticked saves the raw accelerometer data that caused the last alarm condition to a file.
  • GPS On/Off – Tick box, which if ticked activates the phone’s GPS to generate location information, which is appended to SMS messages.
  • Carer No 1 – The mobile phone number of the first carer, this number will receive an SMS message if an alarm condition is active.
  • Carer No 2 – Optional, the mobile phone number of the second carer, this number will receive an SMS message if an alarm condition is active.
  • Carer No 3 – Optional, the mobile phone number of the third carer, this number will receive an SMS message if an alarm condition is active.
  • Alarm Message – The SMS message that will be sent when an alarm is active.
  • Cancel Alarm Message – The SMS message that will be sent when an alarm is cleared.
  • Detector Active Sound – Selects the warning sound to play when the detector is active.
  • Alarm Active Sound – Selects the sound to play when the alarm has not been cancelled (could be an audio file such as; “Help this person is having an epileptic seizure”).


Acrobat reader required, download here
Compatible phone for EpDetect application
Epilepsy application user manual
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